by Pope NiKhetMaat V
This essay has been dictated to Pope Nikhetmaat V aka Frater Perturbabo
by a voice with no mouth and partly inspired by the Pope's own meditations, use
of logic, intuition and minute study of Aleister Crowley's The Book Of Thoth
(all subsequent quotes in italics are from this source), Liber ABA and other
writings as well as the actual Frieda Harris artwork of the Thoth deck. Treat
it as the "true" secret Tarot arrangement which The Master Therion encrypted
inside his published exoteric system and writings (intended solely as a blind for
the uninitiated), or just another more or less interesting & useful Tarot meditation
- the not-so-humble Pope does not give an aerial copulation soever. Yet suffice
it to quote Crowley: "It would be quite wrong to say [the Trumps] represent
a complete universe. They seem to represent certain rather curious phases of the
universe. [...] They change from time to time in their relation to current events.",
"it is therefore proper [...] to modify the aspect of the pack when it seems
[...] good to do so". It has been revealed that now is indeed such
a time.
For proper study of this aeonbreaking new system, nay, prophetic revelation from
the ineffable Logos itself, one should take out one's Thoth pack and form the QBListic
Tree Of Life by placing the 10 Wand pip cards as representing the Sephiroth. Alternatively
one could employ any Minor Arcana cards face down for added clarity & distinction
from the Navitoth formed by the Maior Arcana. The Unicursal Hexagram card should
always be placed as Tiphareth.
Below have been listed the Illuminated Navitoth; designating the Sephiroth
with Arabic numerals (& Briatic colours) and the Atu with Roman ones:
1 - 2 Magus I
1 - 3 The High Priestess II
1 - 6 The Fool 0
2 - 3 The Lovers VI
2 - 6 The Emperor IV
2 - 4 The Star XVII
3 - 6 The Empress III
3 - 5 The Chariot VII
4 - 5 Adjustment VIII
4 - 6 The Hierophant V
4 - 7 The Hermit IX
5 - 6 Lust XI
5 - 8 The Tower XVI
6 - 7 The Sun XIX
6 - 8 Death XIII
6 - 9 Art XIV
7 - 8 Wheel
Of Fortune X
7 - 9 The Moon XVIII
7 - 10 The
Universe XXI
8 - 9 The Hanged
8 - 10 Aeon XX
9 - 10 The
Devil XV
One should study and meditate upon the above arrangment based on one's experience
concerning the Sephiroth and their respective natures - "traditional"
navitothic attributions such as the letters of the Hebrew alphabet with their meanings,
astrological correspondences (the Trumps do not refer to zodiacal signs) etc. MUST
BE IGNORED - the student's focus should be upon the qualities and interrelations
of the Sephiroth alone.
It is also worth stating that in this system the isometry with Dr. Timothy Leary's
Eight Circuit Brain Model is even more pronounced than previously, concerning both
the Sephiroth and the Aeons.
Next, observe thou in general this current placement of the Atu: duly note any coherencies/incoherencies
thou findest. Pope NiKhetMaat The Fifth himself hath spotted e.g. the following
curiosities, viz.:
- Depiction of the Aeons
- Aeon of Isis: formed by the triad of Sephiroth 2, 3
& 6 and the Navitoth in between: the primal forces of vegetative growth The
Empress (Salt & Love) and Emperor (Sulphur & Energy) joined as The Lovers:
"The key is that the Card represents the Creation of the World"
; Mother/Queen & Father/King produce the Son/Prince from their ecstatic union.
Biosurvival circuit.
- Aeon of Osiris: the triad 7, 6 & 8: The Sun rising
from the Earth, reaching zenith in Tiphareth and meeting its subsequent Death. This
laevo-rotatory cycle begins anew and is perpetuated by the Wheel Of Fortune. Note
also the situation of the latter card and the correspondence of the Sephiroth in
question to the Alchemical trinity of Salt, Sulphur and Mercury - of which the card
itself is a glyph as the initiated reader knows. Similarily meditate the attributions
of further trinities Sat, Chit, Ananda and Tamas, Sattvas, Rajas as well as the
Lamb, Wolf and Raven. Emotional-Territorial and Semantic circuits.
- Aeon of Horus : the triad 7, 10 & 8: Here we find
The Wheel Of Fortune in a similar rôle as above, except now its motion has changed
to dextro-rotatory; the individual is placed on the Kingdom of Earth by the generative
powers of The Universe and the seed ideas pertaining to Netzach. Once incarnated,
it is the individual's task of utmost importance to achieve Illumination from the
vestiges of Osirian darkness by the Destruction Of One's World With Fire and achieving
Spiritual Realisation of one's sidereal nature. Socio-sexual circuit. This cycle
will apparently keep on spinning until the required number of enlightened individuals
has been accumulated and flung into the next Aeon.
- Aeon of Maat: the triad 4, 5 & 6: Perfect Balance
between female and male ("[...] in the year of the vulgar era 1904 [...] the
fiery god Horus took the place of the airy god Osiris in the East as Hierophant.")
strength has been achieved as a state of Spiritualised Lust. Knowledge and Conversation
with one's Holy Guardian Angel enjoyed as matter of course. Humanity's transit en
masse across the Abyss awaits; Neurosomatic circuit. Little can currently
be said publicly about this Aeon; still less of the completion of the Aeonic cycle
in the fifth and final Aeon Of Thoth (triad 1,2 & 3), before the circle
or upward spiral is closed and commences anew at another level. Conceivably every
spin of the complete Aeonic Cycle takes at least millions of years and has the whole
cosmos as its stage - it may take as much (exactly as much, in fact) as the whole
lifespan of the universe in question. Neuroelectric and higher circuits.
- Ancient Egyptian Myth of Ra/Osiris
Regard the four-point cycle of Sephiroth 7, 6, 8 & 9 and the connecting Navitoth
with the Wheel Of Fortune as its hub, revolving it in thy mind. As the Osirian Aeon
triad discussed above, this cycle too begins with The Sun (Ra) rising from the East,
reaching zenith and setting to the Gates of the West/Hod - already wearing the crown
of the black god Osiris. Thence Ra plummets into the Underworld of Duat, submerges
under water as depicted in Atu XII which "represents the descent of the
light into the darkness in order to redeem it" & "[...] he represents
Osiris in the waters of Amennti" and is sacrified by reaching nadir
in Yesod, where the forces of Apophis threaten to consume his solar barque - as
shown on XII by the serpent. At this point Set intervenes in from below Yesod
in the form of Atu XV and Apophis is routed by his powers, which as mythology
informs us are also born of Chaos. Ra is simultaneously transformed by the resurrective
powers of Osiris and begins his arduous climb towards dawn through the treacherous
waters of The Moon - "She is the poisoned darkness which is the condition of
the rebirth of light". Note how the previous is visually evident in
the artwork as the Lingam of Atu XV impregnates the menstruating Yoni of
The Moon with the sun borne by the Scarab/Kheper - until Ra is born again at the
The student would do well to further observe the details of the cards in this "Wheel
Of Ra" context:
1. Atu XVIII - The twin aspects of Anubis as guide of the dead. The
nine yod-shaped drops of blood hinting at a connection to Yesod and the lighter
upper portion of the card as anticipating the newborn Sun's brightness.
2. The features and colours of the Atu as pertaining to the present scheme;
for example, note the aquatic characteristics around Yesod in the Atu XV,
XVIII and XII (and also in XIV), always in the part of the
cards pointing towards the ninth Sephira. The same observations go for the Atu around
Netzach, with hints of greenery and earthiness, and for Hod with respective bluish
Mercurial features.
There are further items to be noticed in re the Wheel Of Ra, but only those wholly
pure of heart can grasp them.
- The Five Elements / The Pentagram
The advanced student becomes instantly fascinated by the three-dimensional Pentagram
formed by Trumps I, IV, III, II and 0, corresponding
respectively to Air, Fire, Earth, Water and Spirit. The afore-mentioned cards should
be viewed as the points of a pentagram seen from a high angle, but not directly
overhead. Much can be gained from meditation on this glyph situated "uncharacteristically"
high upon the Tree.
- Pillars Balanced
Commencing with the Middle Pillar, study thou the Paths thereof: starting from Malkuth,
The Devil / Kundalini Serpent rises to Yesod, thence balanceth The Art (arrow piercing
the rainbow) to Tiphareth the moon and the sun, wherefrom the ascent to Kether -
"know naught!" - requires the attitude and wisdom of The Fool (consider
in this connexion the journey of the Taoist sage and "the whole picture is a
glyph of the creative light"). Observe also the equilibrium of e.g.
The Magus and High Priestess, and their lower reflections The Emperor and The Empress.
The side of the Tree towards the Pillar of Severity is occupied by cards of female
character, whilst those reaching Mildness are masculine. Reckon thou the formula
of the Trumps joining the pillars, comparing the enumerations of each pair; starting
from The Magus and High Priestess we get II - I = 1, downwards to
Emperor & Empress and IV - III = 1 etc. and we have the following
string of figures: 1,1,6,6,6,1. In other words the holy 111 and 666, the latter
of which is of course especially coterminous with TO MEGA THERION himself - here
in the present arrangement we have his seal and sanction around Tiphareth and confirming
the validity of this essay 111 points to the Supernal Triad and Kether itself. By
Theosophic reduction the formula gives us the sum of 21 - the number of the Maior
Arcana without/within The Fool. Further calculation: 2 plus 1 equals 3, which besides
being the sacred number of divers Holy Trinities is the number of triads forming
the Tree Of Life itself.
Then follow the Tree down each lateral side, from Kether to Yesod: upon the Pillar
Of Mercy The Magus pairs with The Hermit and The Star with The Moon - two masculine
cards with two feminine ones. The student will immediately see how the cards interrelate
both with their pair and their opposites. The same holds true with the Pillar Of
Severity. One should also compare the Paths/Atu upon the two pillars with the one
directly across, e.g. The Hermit ("The highest symbolism of this card is [...]
Fertility in its most exalted state.") with The Tower. Notice the similarities
in artistic execution, especially the composition of these two: in the lower right-hand
corner we see Kerberos and the jaws of Dis, respectively, and in the upper centre
the fulgurogenic Eye Of Horus/Shiva and Emission of Light. Mark the Yod-shape of
The Hermit's body and the lightning strike. Similarily take note of The Chariot
and The Star (perfectly placed as touching Chokmah - the starry sphere of the Zodiac.
Indeed "Tzaddi is not The Star"; "The Zodiac is a kind of childish
representation of the body of Nuith [...]").
Adjustment is at its proper place betwixt Chesed and Geburah balancing the opposite
Pillars, annihilating Illusion. Finally take heed the four Atu remaining in their
"old" places as confirmation of the Stability of our present perfect arrangement.
Conclusions: This rectified Aarni Atu Arrangement appears to clarify admirably
what previously was a confused & forced artifical system - forced to follow
the "traditional" arbitrary arranging of astrological etc. symbolism,
with Loops in the belt of the Zodiac and other such Qliphoth-inspired rubbish. It
is left to the reader's ingenie to (re)arrange the wealth of symbols pertaining
to the paths if such a task should be deemed appropriate. Inquire within!
Bottom Line: Hail Eris, o thou Goddess who told me "This also is secret;
my prophet shall reveal it to the gullible" and inspired the above ranting! Like everyone wholly pure of brain probably realises, the Tarot has "in
truth" very little to do with the QBL - just as the Maior Arcana has precious
little to do with the Minor Arcana, the latter being derived from a Far Eastern
boardgame with four suits; the former being a confusing historical hotch-potch mixture
of a mnemonic device for the Mediæval illiterati, a list of assorted virtues
of Antiquity rediscovered in the Renaissance and lastly, some Astronomical observations.
Various scientific Tarot scholars seem to have verified these conclusions as you likely
already know if you have studied the matter at all. In all likelihood the fact that
most popular Tarot packs have 22 Maior Arcana cards results from coincidence - albeit
a meaningful one. Because despite its dubious and somewhat ludicrous origins, the Tarot
appears to function marvellously if you are willing to believe it does. You can arrange the
Atu any way you wish on the Tree Of Life and it will still make sense in some way.
Witness the beauty of this evocative symbol system!
Still, the Aarni Arrangement remains the only lawful & tr00 one, for
my Haughty Gargantuan Arsehole told me so and It will astrally kill any knave soever
who saith nay! Just kidding, or am I? Must...investigate...further...
Yours by the Octarine Pentagon,
His Holeyness the Pope Ni-Khet-Maat V